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Salem Board of Health
Minutes of Meeting
November 18, 2008

Date & Time: Tuesday November 18, 2008 7:00pm
Meeting Location: 3rd floor conference room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present: Chairperson Paulette Puleo, Martin Fair Carol Rainville Christina Harrington, Barbara Poremba & Noreen Casey

Members Absent:0

Others present: Trace Giarla, Board of~Health Nurse
Clerk of the Board & Recorder: Heather Lyons

Paulette Puleo called meeting to order @ 7:00pm.

1. Approval of Minutes for October 14, 2008

Minutes for 10/14/08 reviewed and not approved.

2. Public Health Nurse's Report

Tracy Giarla reviewed nurse's report with the board. There was a~ discussion about needle disposal.

3. New/Old Business

~~~ A. Ziggy's Donuts
A memo from Elizabeth Salandrea, Sanitarian and copy of certified food managers certificate was presented to the Board Members in their packets

~~~ B. Health Agent's Position
There was a discussion about the regionalization with Salem, Beverly, and Peabody's Boards of Health.
There was a discussion that the subcommittee will meet soon to go over resumes submitted for Health Agent's position.

Paulette Puleo motioned to adjourn meeting
Approved unanimously.

Adjourned at 8:55pm